VIllain Paintball - Ovi Store

Monday, May 28, 2012

PALS 2012 (Malaysian Open) Event #2 Bangkokpals

Here are the official results of the recent concluded PALS Event #2 in Putrajaya, Federal Territory. Congratulations to all the winners!

Division 1
1st - Infernal (Thailand)
2nd - Demonz (Iran/Malaysia)
3rd - STK (Australia)
4th - Datis (Iran)

Division 2
1st - Grammaton Clerics (Malaysia)
2nd - Votolocos (Malaysia)
3rd - Demonz Hittz
4th -  Jellyfish (Malaysia)

Division 3
1st - Golden Dragons (Myanmar/Philippines)
2nd - Joker Unit (Thailand)
3rd - Alphabunker
4th - Rogue Assassins (Malaysia)

Division 4
1st - Xcavatos
2nd - Jogja United (Indonesia)
3rd - Mad Bunnies
 4th - Outlaws II (Singapore )