VIllain Paintball - Ovi Store

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

PLATUN Season 1 Ends

Last Monday, PLATUN season 1 ends its run. Alot more have to be tweak in order to make it more exciting. The host Rai did fairly well, but I think the show needed someone who knows about Paintball, terms & the technicals. You need someone to describe what the contestant is going thru and what is going on generally in the field.

And its always best to have a co-host as well, so you get more interaction and interesting conversation to make up for the slightly boring gameplay by newbies.

The show also needs to focus more on the teams planning and the talks by the team coaches. It's a way for the viewers to find out what are the teams trying to do to achieve their objectives.

And also, there has to be tips for those viewers on how to play paintball. All in all, the show should have an hour slot like its originally plan. It might give a better view on paintball as a sport.

Episodes from PLATUN season 1