Ever wonder what would happen if there's no more local paintball league to play in, be it MY-NPL or MPOC? The paintball industry is at it's lowest today, NPPL is gone, sponsors are pulling out of the industry, team's disbanding etc.
In the local front, both league still look strong with the continue support from players & teams but some could have never guess that we came so close to having 1 less league to play in last year.
Some of us knew about it before the start of the '08 season but this was shared publicly with others by the man himself middle of '08 at MAPAAC. Villain was there to capture & and share with you guys that moment in time.
Inside the WCPPL
1 year ago
ni lah semangat yg kita perlu sayang kat game ni... wa caya sama lu BRo
Oh.. I remembered when was this taken.. hehehe
i love u wong...hehehehe
we got your back wong.
Yeah!!! i dont see paul crying for MPOC.
gigi rongak, here we go again??
u want to start something??
why does it have to be personal everytime??nothing better to do?
ok...lemme put it dis way....
1st - post something realy really really bad done by Paul of MPOC, which was never related to paintball.
2nd - post something really noble & passionate by Wong of NPL to show how he cares about paintball so much that he'd rather be called stupid doing this bussiness.
where is this blog goin??? u tell me....
akan tiada game paintball kalau tiada pemain. jadi jagalah hati pemain juga...
this is the most controversial paintball blog ever because every one can just use what ever name they feel like using and point fingers. Best giler aaaaaaaaaaa...
Ok aku pun nak point fingers...Kalau nak tau saper passionate...jom tgk saper sanggup kasi main tournament FREE REGISTRATION to all team dulu???
Siape? Siape?
tournament itu lah yang aku akan masuk....hehehehe
Gigi rongak ni saper aaa?
Blog villain ni dah jadi macam harian METRO doh....hahahaha
who am i?? Im GiGi ROngAk!!!
if this blog is not bias, then maybe Paul of MPOC would come here once in a while to comment but we can only see Wong of NPL happily showing that he is such an angel, aaahhh...maybe Wong of NPL havent been caught with any wrongdoings??? or people here are covering him like a god for what?? free pallets?? hahahahahah....great stuff la this blog....long live NPL, long live MPOC, long live paintball in malaysia....peace out....
Im actually fascinated by the comments given about free pallets given out in both MPOC and NPL.
Since ive never played in MPOC , i can just only comment on NPL.CEMANA NAK DAPAT??????
I mean , Wolverinez used to get XX boxes per season paid for by Sinar FM for 2007/2008. But not once have we been offered Free pallets by NPL to play.i doubt that happens with other teams either unless someone can prove other wise.Setakat 1-2 boxes for helping out, well kudos to the helping hand...
one more thing,
www.villainpaintball.blogspot = my-npl personal blog to talk bad things about other tournaments other than NPL. WOW, great marketing plan.....
Saya mau free pellets juga pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Siapa tammau bende free wei....giler ker aper???
tolong ler ngajo cam ner nak dapat???
kitorang nak main paintball nih...takde hal la towke yer bermasalah ker tidak...
Ape ape pun, aku tetap akan main NPL jugak.
Sebab MAPAAC dekat dgn umah. kihkihkih
Padang tak busuk sangat, budak budak kerje kat situ semua peramah. Wong walaupun mulut die giler laser tak hengat. tapi die selalu buat makan makan ..BBQ adalah terbaik...
Wei pulak selalu repairkan marker. Aku selesa la main kat sana. MPOC aku lum pernah main lagi.jadik duk dgr citer org jer la.
Mungkin aku kene try main gak la, baru aku tau citer sebenar tul tak?
Tapi kalau duk gaduh gaduh ni aku tak setujula, sbb nanti players terpaksa buat pilihan. bile dah buat pilihan. kurang la player utk setiap tournament kan? entah la aku nih bukan bijak sanagt mcm sesetengah org, tapi aku suka main paintball nih. So kalau gaduh gaduh nih kang mak aku marah tak kasi aku main langsung...saper susah? mereka dan keluarga mereka.
So tak yoh ler gaduh.
free pellets..? other than thru the barrel, where can get ah..? nak jugak... ;-P
pernah gak dapat, after susah payah tebal muka gi mintak merata, but never from either organisers just to play their tourney. usah kata free, nak hutang dulu pun tak lepas... anyway, just like any other organisation, they have the right to sponsor whichever team they like. so let it rest lah...
astaka, bkt jalil, tag, tanamera, sg buluh, isi rimba, cerakah or memana pun, sama je as long as we enjoy the game...
the nearer one would usually be the choice for obvious reason laa...
rasanya elok ada satu lagi blog macam nih...kutuk blog blog paintball pulak...baru lah complete. ade bran ke sape sape nak bukak satu lagi?
Villain jer yg jadik tumpuan tu la pasal die taiko ma....
kasi saingan yg sihat sket...
Either way, I'll be supporting both MPOC & NPL as long as they take a good care of players involved. Hopefully, NPL fulfill its promised to have a good tournament this year. (Yeahh,khemah for players last year was soooo dammmnn hottt~ Enough fans u said??? Which fans? Do u mean, fans=peminat? or Fans=kipas?? Lu pikirrr laa sendiri =D )
So,MPOC 1st Leg has been successful.Kudos to MPOC organisers.Now looking forward to NPL 1st Leg.... =)
"rasanya elok ada satu lagi blog macam nih...kutuk blog blog paintball pulak...baru lah complete. ade bran ke sape sape nak bukak satu lagi?
Villain jer yg jadik tumpuan tu la pasal die taiko ma....
kasi saingan yg sihat sket..."
Dear anonymous,
Sebenarnya, pembaca-pembaca blog ni yang memberi komen & kritik berkenaan artikel yang dibingkiskan oleh staff kami. Semua terpulang pada interpretasi masing-masing.
For a fact, we don't promote our blog. It's just here for people to find. We don't got around paintball forums and post our URLs just because we have updates.
This is our blog, whether you like it or not. You don't have to force yourself to read it.
You can even start your own blog if you want, like many other paintballers already have (do you know about this or don't?). So what's stopping you?
kalau betul nak buat yg memang tempat berlaga, then better letak syarat semua kena register & guna nama yg dikenali.. baru boleh tau mana yg bebetul ada point or berani, instead of making noise behind unknown monicker...
bak kata org tetua, 'baling batu sembunyi tangan'..
nie pendapat saya la...
NPL sebuah liga paintball di malaysia yg patut di beri pujian. ia nya bukan saja sebuah liga yg berjaya dan amat sempurna di segala aspek, boleh di kata kan dari pada pintu masuk sehingga la kepada hadian setiap pusinggan.NPL its the best,
so kepada Mr Wong n NPL terus kan segala usaha murni anda untuk membanggun kan Paintball di malaysia, dan bagi saya paintball di malaysia nie makin di kenali di sebab kan oleh NPL juga..
so mr wong keep up the good work and keep ur head up aiit...
all the best to you n NPL..
malaysia boleh...
NPL boleh...
peace n out
Wong gave 1000% to make sure NPL will always be a Players League. His passion for the sport can never be denied.
You have my outmost respect my brother.. You have help me thru thick and thin adn im very gratefull and indebted to you and your family.
Without you and NPL paintball will be never be the way it is today!
Thank you.
"Gong Xi Fa Cai"
(......GiGi ROngAk said...
one more thing
www.villainpaintball.blogspot = my-npl personal blog to talk bad things about other tournaments other than NPL. WOW, great marketing plan.....
7:33 PM)
Oit kita org villain dah lama ada sblum MYNPL ada tau so tak da lah nak ckp ni MYNPL nye personal blog En.gigi.... kita org pun penah main kat bukit kita org selalu kena kelentong ngan org2 bukit tu cam2 lah... kita cerita atas ape yg kita tau betol bukan buat2 Cerita...bukan kutuk2 tapi cerita betul
Oit kita org villain dah lama ada sblum MYNPL ada tau so tak da lah nak ckp ni MYNPL nye personal blog En.gigi.... kita org pun penah main kat bukit kita org selalu kena kelentong ngan org2 bukit tu cam2 lah... kita cerita atas ape yg kita tau betol bukan buat2 Cerita...bukan kutuk2 tapi cerita betul
ye la, memang la cerita tu betul tp tak ke terbukti yang blog ni utk semua org2 yg pernah dikelentong di bukit melepaskan geram? dah la lepas geram, kutuk orang bukit, cerita bende2 hal keluarga personal org, nak menjatuhkan org sana dgn bende yg takde kene mengena dgn paintball. come on la...nak buat marketing pun jgn la sampai nak burukkan org sampai detail die punye anu kene cendawan la. silap2 org yang pakai nickname "cendawan bukit" atau "hamba tuhan" tu sebenarnye wong npl. pastu letak pulak video wong menangis?? hah, lagi la terbukti. mmg betul npl well organized but just continue doing a good job and improve bukit's mistake. tak kisah la villain dah lama ke tak, tapi semua villain crew adalah dari mapaac. so, kalau nak bangga npl bagus, cerita la semua cerita hebat tentang npl, takyah sentuh bab bukit ke, paul ke, mprb ke atau mana2 operator lain. ADA PAHAM!!?!?!?
betul la...duk kutuk orang kan...silap silap orang lain lagi nampak korang busuk hati doh....
kalau korang betul betul bagus...korang tak payah heran la dengan org bukit ker orang hutan ker orang angkasa ker sbb korang buat kerje elok kan. kecuali la kalau korang rasa tercabar dgn dorang kan?
Tak habis habis citer sama jer duk up up up satu side jer...amende yang unbiased nyer tuh? Nanti orang makin lama hilang respect doh...
Lagi korang kutuk aku sendiri makin pelik ape yang korang dapat dgn duk buat mende cam nih.
2 cina yang duk gaduh korang sama melayu jadi bodoh jadi balaci buat aper doh?
ko nih pun satu la pipers...lembap sangat reply...retarded ker aper? orang dah tukar topic dah...ko pi reply si gigi rongak tuh buat ape? kan dah bergaduh balik dah dalam nih? Ko mmg suka bakar orang kan macam ada sekor berok tuh...pakai nama ntah ape ape pastu kata die tak masuk campur langsung...amende la korang.
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