This council is made up of the Captains of teams playing in MY-NPL league. They are elected democratically by their peers during the 1st AGM on each MY-NPL calendar year. For the 2009-2010 season, the council members are from :
2009-2010 MPPC Commitee Members
Division 1 -Team Wolverinez - Chairman
Division 1 -Team Delta Rovers
Division 1 -Team MacDev Ronin
Division 1 -Team Nemesis Legion
Division 1 -Team Raz Legion
Division 2 -Team CMX
Division 2 -Team Cobra Mercenaries
Division 2 -Team Outrecs
Division 2 -Team Raiders
Division 3 -Team Shimigami-X
Division 3 -Team Shockwave
Council members meet up a few days before a MY-NPL event to discuss and share info, rule changes, request by teams etc. So mostly it’s to look after the players affairs but one infamous reason why the council is known for is because it also hear the disputed cases brought to it by the MPRO or by teams. For more serious cases, ban can be imposed by the council on players or teams found guilty of any infringement of the MY-NPL rules.
Over this coming weekend, the Players Council will be in the limelights again with a few cases brought up to them. These cases will surely bring major impact to not only those who are directly involved but also to other teams as well.
My personal view is that the Players Council above all should be there to help & assist players & teams in any way possible, being the bridge between the MY-NPL, MPRO & the players themselves. It should not be used in any way as a tool by any parties involve and should always remain independent of any pressure by any parties. We all would like to see a strong Council, a council that can make decisions, a Council that can be Fair & Just to all. So Council Members, you have a heavy responsibility on you, my advise is always be a player first & a politician second. All actions by the council will come a full circle & hit us on the head when our day comes.
Let’s just wait & see what the outcome will be on the meeting. I will surely update you guys with the juicy stuff later since I personally will be at the meeting representing my team as a member of the council.
Signing off…………..for NOW.
Inside the WCPPL
1 year ago
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