One of many cheater caught on video. Should be out on the NPL DVDs soon.
Takes one on the head!
Shot at the hand!
Very rare to catch two playing-ons from the same player, on video! Thank you cameraman!
If you know anybody who cheats, playing ons, wiping etc in paintball... please lah, tell them not do that. Your team will suffer. You're getting bad rap for a player who has no integrity at all. These players shouldn't play paintball at all, cause they just couldn't accept the fact that they CAN get shot.
If you're no longer a sponsored team or don't have the financial means to play and money is tough to come by; Don't cheat out of desperation so you can win. It's easier if you don't play at all. Come on la, to all the cheaters out there, do yourselves a favor.. stop paintballing and go collect stamps.
Inside the WCPPL
1 year ago
PENIPU!!!!! you can never stay last man...
to be frank, this is just one of the player only, you should see more in D1, famous team name also does play on etc, just sometimes, cameras don't video it. don't wanna list their names here.....
so many ways to little time.. :-)
sum ppl are juz too desperate to win. even kena harsh complaints from other teams, what do they care?
wiping,playing on etc etc are juz one of the many things.
why dun u include 3 d1 players in d2 team as a way of cheating huh? the team's integrity oso shot to pieces wat.
There can only be a maximum of 2 (two) D1 players in a D2 team, according to the MY-NPL rulebook. Which team are you referring to? If its true, they could be penalised.
Yeah which team???...Spill the beans will you please...
there's no need for me to say the team's name isn't it? everyone knows which team i'm talkin about. plus they got enough complaints to deal with.
like i said, some ppl r just too desperate to win.
but thank god most of the penipus dont even get a chance to smell the podium finish.
hey guys... its normal thing.. in the US, if u got this problem ofcourse we will b happy but if u got caught.. that is ur bad day.. u guys aint profesional man.. how come..??? i saw some malaysian games.. man, its un-cool.. u guys start training...
yeah.. cheaters are un-cool! in Malaysia, the PB community is small and very close, so whoever cheats gets a bad rep for life!
The game is still new here, so we take cheating very seriously.. and certainly we don't want them to encourage new players to do the same.
Now, we have kids 12-18 year olds swearing at refs.. *sigh*. Maybe normal in the US, but not here.. YET.
uits aku kenai budak nih..budak d1 nih..NPL finale nih..patut depa masuk final...ish ish
You guys still living in the past? Kesian.
Grow up. Macam la korang tak pernah play on. just tak pernah tertangkap jer.
forward thinking la wei.
Sbb semua yg cam bagus sini pakai anonymous gua pun sama la,...sama bacul macam korang!
Last post tu confirm Rina. Hohoho...
wow..tabik spring ar..skill yg hebat tu double play on...btul2 dewa wiping ar..well marshal kena study nih mcm ner player ni bole wipe sampai 2 kali dengan selamat nyer..
Oh yes....kalau bab defend defend ni MMG SEMUA AKU la...who else kan...:)
-Taken from the safety precaution warning-
Rude, moronic and vulgar remarks aimed at specific person(s) rather than their views or actions will be deleted.
Caranthir said...
Last post tu confirm Rina. Hohoho...
isnt it stupid when someone warns other people of doing something wrong but doing it themselves?? and i dont see this comment being deleted, hhmmm.....ur blog ur rule indeed...good way to gain respect...
WTF Anonymous? Do who do you think you are saying all this? Gempak gile kau. The least you could do is write down your real name. Berani cakap semua benda ni takkan tak berani nak tulis nama sendiri? Be proud of that name your parents gave you. Nama saya Khairul Adzweri Rosle. Apa khabar?
Pesal ngan ko Anonymous? tiba2 je tersentap? hahaha... Pasal post ko meraban tak tentu, ko confirm terima hadiah post sampah terbaik seantero.
Khairul, tak yah layan Anonymous tu. tu reader picisan je.. buat gempak blakang anonimonity.
Tulah. Tak faham aku ape fungsi die letak post tu. Alamak, tapi apsal ko delete post yg die kutuk Abg Pian dgn ko tu? Kasi letak je. Kasi sume org tau die tu hati busuk punya worang. Cheitt!
Heh... saja nak kasi tau kat dia, post tahap sampah baik tak yah post. Kalau takda idea nak ketengahkan, baik dia tak payah tulis.
You know, i'm contemplating in having user needed to register in order to post comments, just so idiots like him won't simply post.
But then again, for the greater good. I'll stick to this 'format' for now.
I'd like to hear views from newbies or other shy players out there who would want to participate and still be unknown to everyone.
Kalau I tak posting tak bermaksud saya dah mati dan tertanam! So jangan memaidai nak pakai nama saya posting di Villian!
I will only speak up when I found out that there are another Paintballer harm another just like the Cendawan issue!
I will never interested in gossip, I will speak something I see with my own eyes only!!
i am Hamba Tuhan @ Pian Daud.. you are just we are like to screw peoples life, i show people the hidden truth...i dont go into peoples private life, you dont have a life to go into...again, we are different...
1 more thing, this is what you wrote -
I will never interested in gossip, I will speak something I see with my own eyes only!!
Pls check your grammar...hahahahha
" 5:29 PM Anonymous said...
Ohhh I kenal sangat mamat dalam video ni. Nama dia Edy. Main untuk Demon Red. Dia ni memang licik orang.
Luar padang dia ni "player" juga.Dah kahwin tapi ada kekasih, lepas tu clash dengan kekasih lama sebab dia dapat kekasih baru pula, ala si Mas@BlackRose Platun show tu. "
Thank you ye Mr/Ms yang tak bernama.
Kalau berani tulis hal org, mesti berani nak tonjolkan diri kan? Boleh tak nak jumpa lu? Nak interview skit..
"12:38 AM Khairul Adzweri Rosle said...
Tulah. Tak faham aku ape fungsi die letak post tu. Alamak, tapi apsal ko delete post yg die kutuk Abg Pian dgn ko tu? Kasi letak je. Kasi sume org tau die tu hati busuk punya worang. Cheitt! "
Ha'ah la Caran, aku tak sempat nak baca apa lagi yg "tak bernama" tu tulis pasal ko & Pian.. bagi la aku baca skit..
Kerol, boleh tak ko crita skit apa yg "tak bernama" tu tulis? Pleaseeeeeee...aku nak tau sangat...TQ kerol..
Was there any comment that I miss?
Alaaaa....nak baca....
Maslia, confront saje dgn mereka yang ada masalah nih, tulis tulis ni is SO YESTERDAY!
Comment ini memang confirm RINA yang tulis.
Mas, dia cakap Abg Pian aper ek, kaki mabuk la apa la... then teammate aku dulu plak kaki wipe (hahaha.. actually ada sorang tu kuat play on, woahahaha.. tapi dah tobat kot)
Aku remove sebab saja nak kasik dia hangin je.. tengok la malam karang, sentap meroyan je. Dia ni mesti kerja malam je... aper ntah buat...
Rina, orang tengah sentap tu.. hehehe.. tunggu je la malam karang.
Posting si anonymous to banyak merapu... kena buat spring cleaning nih.
Hmmm...Perlu ke nak go into other people personal stuffs?
Whatever man...
Nanti kite pergi jumpe orang yg takde life yg suka cari pasal nih, kite confront and talk it out. But im guessing he'd run a mile before we can even smell him.
Takpe, boring-boring kite pi main badminton..aku dah beli racket baru!!! :)
Dah dah... ko pun nak masuk OT dah nih.. racket baru yer.. takper takper..
"11:30 AM Caranthir said...
Aku remove sebab saja nak kasik dia hangin je.. tengok la malam karang, sentap meroyan je. Dia ni mesti kerja malam je... aper ntah buat...
Posting si anonymous to banyak merapu... kena buat spring cleaning nih.."
Caran, mas nak tau, apa pulak alasan nya ditinggalkan crita ttg "kekasihku" di situ? Bukankah lebih mulia hati mu jika ia dipadamkan bersama2 cerita2 mu itu?
Kepada "tidak bernama", aku rasa lah kan, kalo ko ni jantan, mesti ko bengang tak dapat ngorat aku, dats y ko tulis benda merapu ni. hahahaha... (jokes)
Ohh.. missed that part Mas. Ya.. that should be remove as well.
Haha. Ko mmg gempak Mas. Mane ko tau die tak dapat ngorat kau? Hebat.
racket baru aku Yonex nano800speed tau...dont play play! (tokei kedai kata ok la kot..aku bimbo this part)..
gempak ok...jomm main badminton wei..M.nasir pun selalu ada!!!!hehehehe
ayok...afzarina cam ne leh telajak citer ke racket baru lak ni lari topik ni..Jng sape2 marah lah sy comment camni.
Pipers - abih tuh tak kan nak kutuk orang jer macam awak....hahahah
PiPeRs said...
ayok...afzarina cam ne leh telajak citer ke racket baru lak ni lari topik ni..Jng sape2 marah lah sy comment camni.
5:10 PM
afzarina Abd Aziz said...
Pipers - abih tuh tak kan nak kutuk orang jer macam awak....hahahah
1:51 PM
akum kak.. sy cabar kak p cari posting sy yg kutok2 orang p cari.
sy tak penah kutok2 org kat villain ni sy rasa sy tak lah jenis kutok2 ni KHAIRUL AZRIL aka mtk maf lah kalu posting sy tu buat akak marah.tak yah lak pulah nak kata sy ni dok kutok org...coment tu pun bukan mengutuk....aper lah
Oh ye ker Jr....Bagus la kalau macam tuh...tak payah la tersentap...bak kata caranthir...
big brother post about a paintballer getting mushroom, small brother post comment to start a fight....what a great family....come on...its been a quiet week & now u r starting it again with a comment that is not related with the post?? go stay in school, ok... let the BIG BOYS TALK....
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