VPB: Congrats on the win. What do you think of the Villain 1-on-1 Challenge Series?
Oden: Thank you, it was awesome, a good experience for me and others. A good way to promote the sports!!!
VPB: Did you think you could win in the beginning?
Oden: Since i won it!!! yes, of course i could win from the start, LOL, kidding.... well, actually no...guess it was just my luck
VPB: Yeah, luck is really something. What would you like to see in the future series?
Oden: More lady competitor and more ladies.... hehehe
VPB: Girls eh? I'd figure you'd say that. If you have to shoot with a mechanical marker, would you still play?
Oden: Hmm....yup, mechanical would do for me...but i ain't going in alone with it....make sure all of the players goes in with the spider as well
VPB: Fine. Would you play in a 4 corner match? - 4 players start at each corner of the field in a decider, last man wins.
Oden: sounds interesting...would love to give it a try...and yes, i would play these format
VPB: Cool! Was leaving your boots at home an excuse not to join or you're just plain absent minded? *grins evilly*
Oden: Leaving the boots at home was part of the plan...psycho org maa!!!! actually, i forgot to bring it....
VPB: Haha! Whom did you share the peanuts all by yourself?
Oden: Family and family only, mom and dad ate it all!!! Oden hates peanuts!! (Sometimes he calls himself as a third person)
VPB: Congratulations, now you have the bragging rights until the next series. Anything to say to the blog readers?
Oden: Hmm, the most important thing is, train, TRAIN and TRAIN hard...dont give up half way and be creative in the game....trust me, it helps...
VPB: Thank you. See you again at the next series.