Here are the official results of the recent concluded Event 2 of MY-NPL '09 in JB. Congratulations to all the winners.
DIVISION 1 (9 Teams)
DIVISION 2 (10 Teams)
DIVISION 3 (19 Teams)
4TH - S2K
DIVISION 4 (15 Teams)
1ST - JS
Note: Controversies became the highlight of the event instead of the sport itself.
Inside the WCPPL
1 year ago
What controversi??? Please do tell!!
Where to begin... hmmm
only heard stories, were already at the hotel taking hot shower at that time...
walk-out... video dispute...
hmm.. kinda reminds me of '06 in ipoh..
funny how there are always controversy ...
not in this magnitude.
Badman.... please dunt tell your shower deatils!!!
pacman... funny how contoversy will always promote the sport!!
Caranthir... come on and tell the story lar!!!
what the story??
ya lor.. whats da story...
Give me a few more days to come up with something.
emm...just curious...
NPL also got controversy story ke??
still have 'barking' here..'barking' there??
cant wait to hear the story...
daboss.. ain't tellin'.. coz urs would be much more interesting.. hehehhe.. :-P
kontroversi is free promosi.. kinda... ;-P
anyway, as said, didn't see but only heard stories, so can't really comment lor.. well at lest until stories from all sides are heard...
all can say now is had fun at the tourney tho failed to avoid the usual muddy condition, thot would only get that 'there'... ;-) :-P
i heard someone is shooting from dead box.
u heard someone is shooting from dead box..? how bout deadman walkin, playin, shootin n won the game.. heheh.. so funny..
hmm..its like pot calling the kettle black...yang cakap paling byk tuh la yg paling kuat cheating...kan carant?
come onlah.. irregardless of deadman walking,talking or whatever, it shouldnt have gone to the point that ppl start to shoot from the deadbox.
There will always be migitating factors but to shoot from there?simply not on.
Yes, there will always be bad calls, complaints on marshalling ,playing on etc but emotions need to be checked.
Another thing, slowly PB is getting airtime nationally, young impressionable kids will see whats happening and start to imitate cos their fav team does stuff.How are we going to repair that if ppl start to take it as a norm.
things like swearing at the head marshal, you tell me in what sport there's such a thing as swearing at the highest authority on the field?
for now..
ok.. i see the point.. but you tell me in what sport 2nd highest authority on the field shouting to ppl asking for a fight.? i was at the entrance, shocked.. my ohh my.. *headache*
Wow.... shooting from the the dead box??
The only team that i heard that did this was Avalanche back in 2004...
And the whole team got 1 year suspension if im not wrong.
kiss,everyone seems to be too hot blooded now days.What would be a possible solution is having an elder statesman like DaBoss who's been there done that to be an authority figure on the field.At least ppl wont dare to curse him LOL..
anyway its a tuesday.lets just all enjoy the moment :)
here my point :
1. Marshal harus la kena telus dalam membuat keputusan dan bukan nya berat sebelah,utk marshal yg menjaga di padang D1 terutama nya,lebih baik ambil yg ada pengalaman, berakal, serta mampu mengawal tekanan.
2. Div 1 player, sebagai player yg bermain di Div teratas di dalam arena paintball di malaysia cuba la :
-main secara jujur.
-act&play like a div 1 player, dan bukan nya seperti budak budak.
- tunjukkan contoh yg baik kepada player di div lain.
yeah dude.. ebjoy da day.. but we just heard from a few person i guess.. maybe we can hear da whole story and da fair solution afterward.. peace..
When you have vested interest in the leg, you'd do anything to have it your way, and i mean it -- anything. Money talks. isn't it?
haizz inikah quality pemain dan marshalling yang dibangga2 kan oleh npl?? berubah sebelum npl jadi seperti nppl...berkubur...
bout the controversial part, tgu carant reveal dulu...then kita comment on the story plak.. and carant, tulis yang betul2 ok..sbb saya rasa ramai yang nampak apa yang terjadi..since quarter lagi...
peace out..
McXYellowspots said...
kiss,everyone seems to be too hot blooded now days.What would be a possible solution is having an elder statesman like DaBoss who's been there done that to be an authority figure on the field.At least ppl wont dare to curse him LOL..
anyway its a tuesday.lets just all enjoy the moment :)
Thanks for the comment McXYellowspots....
You make me sound old... hahahah.. anyways.. having me on the field wont solve the problem... plus i dunt think i will be a gud REF.. i dunt have the Kesabaran and Dedikasi of the REFS... RESPECTS TO ALL REFFS!!
Yup its just TUESDAY so lets just enjoy it.
cakap pasal refs, ade ke senior ref mengajar yg junior mase tgh game..kat field d1 lak tuh...kalau macam tu takyah training, time tournament, capai je sape2 yg dapat, pastu ajar time tuh jgk dan pastikan head ref ialah seorang kaki gengster yg memaki hamun & nak carik gaduh, baru boleh berkembang sukan ni kat malaysia...
kalau ref mcm tuh, team yg tak malu ni bermaharajalela la buat deadman walking ke, wiping ke, etc...ishk..kalau teammate aku mcm tuh, malu aku nak main ngan team tuh...
kesian xtraODENary, main bagus & baik tapi orang tak nampak pasal team main macam tuh...
my bros dont get carried away ..stories has many tales ya so plz view each of them conclude it but dont not in any way concoction it cuz it will damage t truth .. nd
truth? what truth? you cant handle the truth!!! ahahahhahaha
org de kat sana.. org nmpk pe yg btul pe yg salah ..awk de kat sana ke ..
To those who claimed this and that, better owe it up and tell us who you are and from which team. Chances are you didn't see anything or just hearsay. You comments holds no 'weight'.
too many anonymous, are all same person or diff ppl..? payah la nak respon kalau gini..
so what's with tuesday..? is it tiu-us-day or u guys just excited waiting for the day after - wetnessday
Cantas je orang2 yang anonimes nih! Takde telor punya worang...
if my comments holds no weight, knape nak melenting ye? hahahahah....
as i said long time ago, guna nama org tak tau ni senang nak switch side bila timbul keperluan tu nanti... :-P
ok, to be frank, i..
- briefly saw the 'walk-to-temple' vid...
- only heard abt deadbox shooting yesterday...
but reserving my comments till things are certain & stories from relevant parties are heard... got procedures & council kan..? let them handle this la..
Wow, first real OT comment of the day. Removed for that.
And seriously, you got the wrong person. LOL!
dari apa yg aku nmpk la, kecoh betul. team baju putih tu main kecoh je - ras legion ke apa, betul ke divisyen 1 punya team tu? macam kalut je. dah kalah macam macam plak alasan. siap sorak macam budak2.. kelakar la pulak.
zealos plak asik nk ngamuk je. kalah je, ngamuk. apa korang tak boleh kalah ke? nak menang memanjang je.. carut mmg lancar je.
ada masa kita menang, ada masa tak. terima je hakikat. senang, betul tak bro?
pasukan organizer delta pun ader kes wiping. ramai nampak tau.. tp marshal lambat ambik tindakan.
nasib baik brader team mcdev yang kena tembak sampai tergolek tu ok. nak menang pn susah.
aku tak tau comment ni lepas ke tak, tapi itu la pendapat aku. tuan blog nak delete pun takpe.
sekian aku sebagai baller dari johor. aku malu tgk perangai team tuan rumah.
saudara pemerhati,
setuju 100% on ur writing
taking from your comment im assuming that you're from johor.
Well bro,
WE should ALL be ashamed at what happened irregardless of which part of malaysia we play PB..
I think wherever you play, whether NPL or MPOC, the standards of fair play has dropped so much that if you want to win, you have to cheat.
I seriously suggest that both marshalling bodies combine to officiate both leagues. In that way, at least we will have enough experience marshalls.
As for the players who cheat,wipe or swear, an immediate league ban should be imposed by a committee of peers. The player in question should be suspended from further play in that tournament. As for marshalls, no more lame excuses. A team can request a committee of peers to request that the marshall be suspended for that tournament or league.
yeap.. if we wanna make the sports acceptable to the mass, then paintballers need to show how 'gentlemen's game' it really is... just bcoz the other party fail to follow the rules doesn't mean we have to do the same, no point showing who's more 'terer'. as the saying goes 2 wrongs doesn't make 1 right, no need to stoop down so low just to get even, there are way better ways to do it. there's no pride in turning ur back on the agreed/accepted rules.
can i say something? i think it is a shameful that the quality of the game has come to this level. cheating, swearing, arguing and much more. seeing a far more experience team acting like that is definitely a bad example to us, the noobies in d4. throwing away marker, cursing at the opponent, cheat, wiping, deadman talking, walking or shooting (wow..that's a new one), walking away from games and mengamuk sakan bila kalah, i mean has d game had stray away that far from all the positive things that pb should be, a game where u learn to communicate, strategist, to be humble (yes i think so), to cooperate and coordinate. i laugh my a** off when i see a d2 team member arguing with a ref when he was called out. y? because the a ref behind him see that his harness was hit but argue that the ref in front of him says he is safe. i mean come on la. u r playing in d2 dude. not d4. a hit at ur back manala ref depan perasan. ish2..weird la. anyway that's my 2 kupang la from a very green pb player. kalau ada silap dan salah sori..
from bro grifter :
'walking away from games and mengamuk sakan bila kalah...'
that seems to be the trend nowadays...
haha..i'm agree with u fp..
'walking away from games and mengamuk sakan bila kalah...'
always happen nowdays..
but, when they won..
senyap trus!!
although byk bad calls or whatever..
'they'..dh snyp dh..
why??coz..they won..
haha...such a pathethic 'they'..
Aiya, which sport(s) ppl not cheating? even main guli pun ppl try to cheat. but it either you cheat smart or you cheat like an a..h..e! nowadays cheating is/are part of game strategy. Hmm in mpoc ppl complained about marshalling standard, in NPL too marshall get complained. Would suggest next tourney marshall bukak booth complain in field sapa nak complain kena letak duit deposit seribu ke lima ribu ke. Marshall and player human ma not robot. human tend to make mistake and crazy things. robot pun tau giler ni kn pulak org. but in positive note ok pe the team yg buat tu glamer pe..
Team Mac Dev Ronin
n d, dari mac dev juga x tahan dengan kutukan penonton, sehingga waktu jalan ke death zone siap tepuk ke arah penonton.apa kah itu contoh yg bagus, seorang yg pernah jd marshall dan bila jd player berbuat mcm gitu? Cmon la abg Nd awk tu umur dah berapa, jgn la mcm bebudak.
Caranthir, ramai yg nampak ada game yg awk wiping dan marshall biar kan, dan bila awk kena hit jalan kelaur dan bole masuk main balik!!
apa kah semua tu!! Marshall delima ke awk dalam dilema wiping??
Terry Lee, seorang pemain yg dah lama, ramai tahu kebolehan beliau, tetapi apa yg berlaku? mengapi kan team lain sehingga team tersebut marah.dan bila team yg di api kan bertindak, salah kan team tersebut, abg terry tu umur darjah berapa ya???
Team Delta rovers,
pemain main wipe dah marshall x take him out, jd di mana kah salah dan silap nya marshall dan player.
setau kawan Mac Dev, Delta rovers nie house team, yg mana pallets di sponser, jd ini kah Quality yg sepatutnya House team tunjjuk kan kepada Team lain???
ada kah house team kerja nya bole menipu dan mcm mcm lagi untuk cover budget organizer???
dan kepada carantir jgn menulis kalau diri sendiri pon pakar menipu dan KUAT MENCARI SALAH ORG,SEDANG KAN DIRI AWK TU PON APA KURANG NYA.Hidup biar ramai kawan abg bukan nya ramai lawan.
jgn sampai nanti suatu ari terkena diri sendiri nanti awk juga yg malu...
Anonymous lagi... if you think u have a point and you think you right, stae which team you are and where were you during the game?
Again, in the field you don't know what's going on, that's why we have refs in the field.
If you tak puas hati, come to the next players council. have your say there.
Kalau all the anonymous posters here put up their name and team, im sure most refs can find some 'dirt' in them.
Again, you want to lecture me abt integrity, be yourself. use your own name. don't use others, macam AKIM kena in this one. He asked me to remove that post, but i'm not going to. It shows, anybody can 'buang batu sorok tangan'
At least i know some of the regular posters.
to fp & grifter,
yeah ur both right. but r u listening to da team dat doing dat? Y r they doing it? Dun presume what they r. Just ask them the stories. U'll know. Listening from other parties are not enough & maybe wrong perceptions.
From my opinion, marshalls r da SOLUTIONS to dis crysis. yes da marshalls did a great job. Tired, burning under da sun, getting shots. But hey, they did get paid from it. Slightly misses any shots to any players, everything changes.
to kiSSe$...
yep i'm sure there's a story or incident behind every walk-out or argument...
but is walking-out the right course of action?
in the end... siapa yg benefit?... siapa yg rugi?...
walking-out will not benefit that team... instead it will only benefit the opponents, rite???
apa2 pun... fight in the field dulu... then bring up to the council later...
Hmmm ... my team Bandits (El-Bandito) did this twice.. and the truth is the team that walks out from any tournaments are will lose the most.. be it league points, respect and image.
I also used to be a hot head foul mouth freak!! I used to cursed refs .. and always trying to prove a point.
At the end it got me nowhere.....
I realise too was my biggest mistake!!
To Earn Respect from others you need to show respect to others!!
My best advice is play the game, enjoy, take it as it comes, life is unfair sometimes.. so is paintball.
In any sports there will be bad calls and gud calls..
Players.. F1 Drivers, Soccer, Golf or any competitive sports will always try to bend the rules to their advantage... and thats reality.. its either obvious or not.
Want to play a safe and strategic game then go Play CHESS!!
as the malay saying...
"Seluk Pekasam Biar Sampai Ke Pangkal Lengan"
Life is Short, Glamour is for the moment .. enjoy the game and treasure the memories..........
bro kisses..
i'm not saying it because of what had happened during the 2nd leg jb in particular but in general. whether u played in mpoc or mynpl, this kind of conduct is at most a very shameful act. i agree with bro badman,2 wrongs doesn't make 1 right, nothing can justify y players / team cheat. everybody wants 2 wins. some will go by all means just so that they can win. where's the sportsmanship in that? if u r playing great, u deserve to win, if not, don't play the blame game la. salah ref, salah field, salah penganjur, salah marker, salah info and all sorts of excuse (but jarang la dengar sebab salah sendiri :) ). muhasabahkan diri. evaluate ur self and ur team and hope not to do the same mistake in the next leg. and most importantly accept that defeat is also part of the game, if everybody wins, baik main target shooting kat funfair. dapat keychain ke cawan ke..kekekeke..sori kalau tersinggung. saya ni budak baru dalam pb. :)
paper pun, i think let bygones be bygones. x boleh ke kite berbaik dan bermaafan? i mean u guys pun kengkawan kan? :)
yeah fp..
both parties have their own mistakes. maybe on dat day both parties still under angryness and dats y there like war field. shouting, arguing, cursing, etc. I hope they've learn from mistakes. n hope da organiser can pay attention to da marshalls. Comfort them. 1 more thing. my opinion is to take so called "hse team" in da tournament. In any ways, hse team cannot play their tourney. mesti ada conflict of interest.. Sbb tournament dorang, marshall dorang, team dorang.. tlg la amik berat menda2 remeh mcm nih.. tq
viva paintballerzzz.. hehehe
Maybe what anonymous said is right? Maybe all the facts that he/ she mentioned was witnessed by everyone who saw the game. May Caranthir did play on, maybe Nd did clap at the audience, but if what anonymous mentioned was correct from a spectators point of view, why must Caranthir lambast anonymous? Let him be Caranthir, why must you force him to reveal him/her self, if all that is said is true. It would be different if anonymous mentioned something which really did not happen. Maybe now is the time for those people that anonymous had mentioned to explain their actions on the field? At least it would give us the readers a different perspective?
aku rasa anonymous ni mesti yg kalah ngan ronin atau delta...tak pong penyokong mereka....memang tak de batu. Stakat selindung balik nama "anonymous". Ada berani kemuka kes dalam player council la...bawak bukti sekali macam kes zelous dulu masa kat kuantan....tu pasal ader player council...
Nasib baik armada tak de kat sana, kalau tak baik jer aku basuh kepala seko-seko yg banyak cakap tapi tak berani bagitau nama...
Quoted From Da Boss
Hmmm ... my team Bandits (El-Bandito) did this twice.. and the truth is the team that walks out from any tournaments are will lose the most.. be it league points, respect and image.
I also used to be a hot head foul mouth freak!! I used to cursed refs .. and always trying to prove a point.
At the end it got me nowhere.....
I realise too was my biggest mistake!!
To Earn Respect from others you need to show respect to others!!
My best advice is play the game, enjoy, take it as it comes, life is unfair sometimes.. so is paintball.
In any sports there will be bad calls and gud calls..
Players.. F1 Drivers, Soccer, Golf or any competitive sports will always try to bend the rules to their advantage... and thats reality.. its either obvious or not.
Want to play a safe and strategic game then go Play CHESS!!
as the malay saying...
"Seluk Pekasam Biar Sampai Ke Pangkal Lengan"
Life is Short, Glamour is for the moment .. enjoy the game and treasure the memories..........
agak betul kata ko "all about beca". agak setuju gak...sesiapa yg terlibat dalam aper jua kes masa NPL JB (baik plantif atau defenden - betul ke word aku guna nih...) korang buat la aper yg patut, tp bagi aku setakat cakap jer tanpa bukti tak guna walaupun di"claim" ramai yg nampak....kes zelous dulu pun mcm tu gak. ader ramai yg nampak tapi bila di bincangkan tetap gak dirujuk dengan bukti.
boss.. we both had our share of walking out from a tourneys & argue with marshals, in fact we walked out the same tourney once.. tho i only get to know that when back to kl... the only diff was u guys were in D1 & we were just a bunch of noobs... takpe lah, old stories, just let it be... but learn from it.. ;-)
ok, beca may have a point there, pokok takkan goyang kalau takde angin. they might have witnesses & proof to the incident & it's certainly from spectators (which are mainly players) point of view.
would have to agree with batto too, abt the anonymous thingy.. at least put a name there lah, too many anonymous is confusing lah, kadang tu tengkar sama sendiri & we don't know which is which. bila org lain tegur, semua pulak yg terasa.. timbul isu lain pulak dah..
during the game maybe la ada yg lupa rules sbb emo/marah.. spur of the moment kata org tu, but now not in the game, semua calm & collect, gather ur evidence & present it, coz we do have a council, right..? use it then...
gaduh ngan surat layang sampai bila pun tak habis... sesilap timbul isu lain lagi ada lah.. dan dan tu la ada penyurat layang yg tukar side... bukannya org tau pun :-P
'lalang' ke aku ni...? suka hati la pendapat korang, but at least aku dalam terang. beriya nak sembunyi pun no point, bukannya diaorang nak hantar assassin pun...
Okay, guys.. FYI there has been talks going on between the teams involved regarding various incidents.
All parties would like to solve it amicably and we all would like to have our friendship on and off the field strengthen.
So please refrain any comments towards Raz, Zealous or Ronin. It can be damaging to teams involved if not done in responsibly.
Meanwhile, I still welcome any thoughts & comments regarding the event as whole. Thank you.
Good to know something is being done to solve this issue. Was worried if this issue is not resolved now, it might spiral out of control at the next NPL tournament where the teams involved might just go at it with malicious intent. I suggest also to have one or two more respected players (those who have no interest whatsoever, preferably none of the organisers) involved in such talks to keep things in perspective. And get the head marshall involved too. Anyways, kudos to those involved.
Caranthir, keep up the good work in providing none biased news to keep the Malaysian paintballers involved in such ongoings.
Anger is Impermanent, disharmony is Impermanent. I must ask myself where I will be once that's over. That is more important than the moment of anger...
Betul tu Mav! And in the words of Master Yoda - Fear Leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate, Hate Leads to Suffering!
So lets stop all this nonesense before we all really suffer the consequences of our actions.
Assemble the council!
By the way... I agree to "all about beca's" proposal on having 2 neutral players to be involved in this case. Hope the council takes note.
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