VIllain Paintball - Ovi Store

Friday, March 13, 2009

Should we be worry already?

We've been hearing this over and over again for the past few years, and it's strange that this things kept happening. Unclear marker ruling for the lower divisions, bogus reffing at obvious times, and the best bit - no tables for teams! You get to sit in the mud and play mud castle. Such fun.

Does this sound like its helping for the growth of the sport? Lower division players are usually new players who are just getting into the sport, and they are most likely will be the next generation of ballers for years to come. Provided, the platform stays solid and better every year.

If things like these keeps happening, new teams will be discourage to play and other teams will just stop and lose their heart.

This was posted at JS Paintball about their recent MPOC outing. Please visit Red Sevens from Singapore had some problems as well, especially on the scheduling and overall format. Please visit

I feel we should take this as a lesson. Few years back, we don't hear players gripe that often openly cause not everybody knows everybody and words simply spreading not far and quick enough.

With team blogs & forums, organisers & promoters can easily grab feedbacks from players & publics on how to improve the sport we love so much.


Kherox said...

I don't get it how the MPOC allowed D1 players playing in D3?Common la. You can't really blame the teams for doing it since the organiser themselves is closing 1 eye and letting them register just so that they can secure the teams participation.

They might gain 1-2 teams for doing that but in the end they'll lose a lot more.......and don't get me started on the player database....been hearing bout it since '06 season.

Anonymous said...

(refer above comment) It was brought to my attention by another Div 3 Captain on day 2. Sure it's not right but until they have some quick way of flagging this sort of problem during registration then it's going to keep on happening. End of the day it's still just paintball... for now I'm just happy that someone else is organising the event as I certainly wouldn't want the headaches...

Anonymous said...

well i guess we must promote the element of integrity towards our players irrespective they are veteran, newbies,D1,D2,D3 etc. Perhaps, this should help and prevent such issues from re-occur. Organizer pun must start realize this and quickly act. As far as the integrity is concerned, the quality of our player will not be jeopardized nor compromised. thank you.

Caranthir said...

houdini, back in 2006. we had the same problem. We were in Div 2 and had to play home teams with a few D1 players in it.

Our teammate even yelled "Sandbaggers" just for kicks! Oh, and cross division games with semi vs ramp mode. That was funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

apa yg berlaku hari ini adalah hasil nya selepas beberapa tahun MPOC wujud..kebangkitan demi kebangkitan atas nama keadilan lahir dari kelompok lama dan baru..fenomena ini adalah semacam suatu perkara biasa yang mana kehangatan nya seketika..kemudian hilang bagai ditiup angin..MPOC kemudiannya terus gah di situ..pengikutnya masih ada..tak perlu di persoal sedikit atau byk..MPOC terus hidup..apakah kita hanya mampu mengerlingkan mata menutup telinga lantas buat buat alpa..ayuh serumpum kita bersama cegah sebelum industri Paintball kita hancur..sudah hampir seusia budak boleh bertutur..kita bukan lagi seperti dulu yang hanya punya e-frame (dikira marker tercanggih),mengapa taraf penganjuran tidak boleh searus dgn kemajuan pemain kita hari ini..isu main dalam keadan berlumpur melampau..atau isu perubahan undang2 mengikut suka hati penganjur (yang sememangnya suka hati berbuat begitu)sepatutnya telah lama mati..kita punya akal waras utk menentukan yng mana telus dan yang mana event taraf telur rebus...kita bukan berniat menjatuhkan sesiapa,tetapi ini hakikat yang terus melekat..gema gema suara keadilan sudah nampak cuma perlu di bulatkan menjadi satu tekad..kita punya hak mengapa biar kita terus teraniaya..jgn jadikan gema suara itu sebagai satu madah menyatakan ketidak puasan hati..jadikan ia realiti..mengambil kesantunan bahasa kita..JANGAN HANGAT2 TAHI AYAM..

badman said...

comments (& complaints) fell on deaf ears, nak buat camana lagi.. penat dah cakap.
playing after sunset..? c'mon.. we've been thru it b4, should've known how to avoid that. lower division deserve the same treatment & respect as per any other players in the tourney, those lot can't be forgotten as they are the future of the sports. kot iye bayar sikit pun takkan la sampai ke tahap tu kot..? they are still paying customer.. :-/

suppose to learn from past mistakes but then... sigh... :-/
unless can come up with a better idea, a proven method shouldn't be ignored, even if it's been used by rivals...

Khairul Anwar Bin Che Amran said...

First of all,nak minta ampun sekiranya ayat kami(JS) biadab n menyinggung perasaan reff2. Salah seorang teammate JS balik je rumah terus buat entry *Goodbye MPOC* dengan perasaan marah n tak puas hati. So ayat a bit sakit ati la kalau di baca, mcm ipods tu sebenarnya maksud dia reff tak tumpu perhatian bukan realiti dengar ipods. Ok jgn salah paham. To mokhsin,saya dah hantar email kpd paul utk official complain. Kiteorang bukan suka cari pasal but kene pressure kaw2.. bile di tnya, baca buku rules je ayat yg diorang pakai. -_-'

Hope u guys tak salah faham ape yang kami maksudkan. TQ

Anonymous said...

apa susah....... main je other tourneys.... dah tahu mcm2 masalah, pastu nak complain.... com'on, until when you wanna sit there and turn into dust. open your eyes and move on... kan senang

Anonymous said...

reff tu manusia jugak... memang akan ada buat kesilapan... dan ada juga yg kepala angin jugak.... tapi kita pun kena ada sikiiiit timbang rasa jugak... diaorang duk dalam field berjam-jam... panas ujan lagi... so bad calls and bad temper naturally will happen... tul tak?
saya bukan nak back-up reffs... dan juga tak cakap yg reffs ni tak betul... tapi kita kena paham yang inilah hakikatnya main paintball... there will always be reffs who miss a hit... make doubtful calls... shout or scream at you... to me, it's all part of the game...
to the reffs... as said numerous times before... maybe boleh buat extra training ke... refresher courses ke... anger management courses pun bagus...
we seem to notice that otai2 reff dah kurang... banyak reff baru... no offence to the newer set but are they qualified to officiate events like MPOC?... just asking, no sarcasm intended...
However i totally agree with Mr Muhsin that any complaints or dissatisfaction should be brought up thru proper channels and to the correct authorities... then no party will be offended unnecessarily... uncalled remarks and finger-pointing will benefit no one and will only destroy the sport...
hope i have not offended anyone and my only wish is to see paintball grow in Malaysia...

Anonymous said...

i agree... u don't agree with the organizers that why still play... then when u play u complain?...
something wrong here...
move on la... go for tourneys that suit u... at the end of the day, we all just wanna play paintball, rite?

the organizers involved here are questionable, i agree... however previous teams and players have voiced out their grievances and we have yet to see any significant improvement... so why the fuss here?...

no one is forcing anyone to play in any specific tourney... correct???!!

Caranthir said...

Sometimes, we always hope for the best. In this case, to the promoter. There's always that hope that the next leg or event will be better than before, and the team will play better than before.

It's everybody's hope that everything will become better. Not in this case for JS. It turned out to be less than before, and consequently, one unsatisfied customers.

So, its their right to voice it out in their blog or what not, and if other ballers out there read the same thing, that hopefully there get some insights and their experience can be shared.

And this will always be a good platform for the organisers to take note and improve. But if they decide to turn a blind eye, who can force them? Just pick up our stuff and leave for better option.

Anonymous said...

I started playing paintball only in January 2009. My first major tournament was My-NPL. I attended MPOC as spectator. I can compare what this blog has been critising. My-NPL is more organised and I think the best word is better organised.

Anonymous said...


it seems that my comments have offended you at some point... and you seem like somebody who gets emotional quick...

I agree that this is a good platform to voice out opinions and suggestions, but not if someone can't take any criticism.

to avoid any further misunderstanding or disagreement, I'll refrain from any further comments to this topic.

Thank you to Admin for publishing my comments and keep up the good work.

badman said...

hmm... penat jugak baca, too many anonymous, dah macam cakap ngan diri sendiri pulak.. why don't use a name, any name lah as long as tak offending, so at least we can differentiate who's talking what..

players in the field for 5mins, refs are in there for like at least 15 games in a row. penat..? of course lah, & it will always be the excuse for d 'unacceptable' mistakes... but then, refs & players alike, need to condition their body to the situation. bukan baru sekali dok dalam tourney, kan..? sendiri mau ingat la.. :-P

kudos to the JS guys for the official complain, hopefully this time they will listen & take it seriously.
on the question of "should we be worry already?", well, yes, a bit.. coz these are the same party organising the WCA.. nation's rep at stake here..

Anonymous said...

It's good that Villain brought up this matter.

For once, please players, it's your own "hard-earned" money that you worked for, no doubt, everyone wants to win and play paintball, you also want to win it with your own sweat and bruises and not other things.

there's no such perfect call or biases in paintball (unless the ref made a serious bad call).

Then again, it boils back to money, you choose which league to play. It's your own money, so remember, you decide. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i do agree with naz on this one. i mean sampai bl kita asyik nak dengar alasan bila ada sebarang kelemahan baik dari segi referring or organizing? kalau thn pertama or kedua munasabah la. rasanya dah ramai orang yang komplen, kualiti padang, kualiti jaring n most of the time the quality of referring tapi it's little or no action had been taken. team kitorg pun masa 1st leg mpoc ada a few qustionable call, but malas nak argue. arguing just slow the pace of the tournament n nanti sampai maghribla baru nak habis. 2 blm kire kalau hujan lg. so i guess kalau kita sama2 nak memajukan sukan ni kenala amik SERIUS setiap komplen 2. jgn syok sendri memanjang. huhuhu..and the refs better shape up mentally and physically. your job is very hard. and making a split second decision is even harder. however i have my uppermost respect 4 u guys. still there's room for improvement. all the best 4 d upcoming leg whether u r in mpoc or npl :)

Caranthir said...

Ultimately, you guys have to choose which league you want to invest in heavily.

It's your money and you have the power to decide. If a promoter/organiser sees teams dropping off from their league, then they are forced to reassess their own situation and hopefully take action to rectify what's needed.

Take care of our own players first before others*. That will help in sustaining the sport in the long run.


Anonymous said...

to naz
ive read all ur comments & i found tat it way too emotional reactin like some kind of loser even i cant stand ur emotional feelin like a woman who havin pms.y u luv to making fuss around.if u want to complaint just complaint dont make a big deal bout it too much talking..typing and wut so ever actin like a pro like a d1 player instead ur just a lame d4 player.paintball is a game for those who can control their emotion wisely but if u cant handle it then stop playing.
to the reff..
if u cant be professional dont be one jgn la mkn gaji bute.semue org penat but u guys ade tanggung jawab so buat la yang terbaik.the reff r there so tat players have an equal chance to win.pls b more professional jgn la jd bhn utk org maki hamun.

Anonymous said...

Kalau bukan diri kita sendiri yang kena bad calls, mmg kita akan kata JS ni emosi la, reff ni tak pro la, cakap macam2. There's definitely 2 sides of this ugly coin, both side kena ambil iktibar from what has happened.

Unfortunately our team never had the opportunity to play in any of MPOC's legs to comment according to our experience, tournament pun baru main sekali. But I think the one to lose out most will definitely be MPOC if they don't straighten up their act and see that all the matters brought up are sorted out accordingly.

Also some sort of public statement from MPOC and MM would be great too. Have some integrity to deal with this publicly so you guys won't lose out on respect and ultimately on participants for future legs. Ball is in your court!

/my dua kupangs, brought to you by the word verification 'tubfigh'

Khairul Anwar Bin Che Amran said...


both side kene amik ikhtibar n repair mana rosak2 ni.

jumpe my npl 2nd leg jb smua!

-JS Capt-

Anonymous said...

haha benda macam ni pun nak bising..this 1 thing yang aku paling tak gemar dalam dunia PB ni...
"aku bayar duit la"
"marshall bias la"
"aku pun penant la"

ni suma benda yang kita biasa dengar dalam mana2 pun tourney..npl ke mpoc ke. feeder events ke..
one thing korang kena tau," takde marshall, takde la PB"..ingat tu..
aku cabar korang jadi marshall tuk 1 tourney..aku nak tgk macam mana korang kena herdik dgn player..
aku pun dulu macam korang beb...infact dah 5thn main..benda ni korang akan terpikir balik bila korang dapat jadi marshall..
penat marshall dgn player lain beb..player main game, kuar rest minum air..marshall??berapa kerap ko tgk diorg rest??
diorg diri dari pagi sampai la ke petang..hujan ke panas terik ke..kena tembak dgn player lagi..diorg masih kat situ demi rm80 1 hari...itu pasal ramai yang tak berapa nak rela jadi marshall..tapi korang patut syukur masih ada marshall yang perlukan duit and sayang sport ni..
memang aku backup marshall..sebab aku dah penah jadi marshall and player..
senang citer camni la, korang pegi test jadi marshall kat mana2 la MPOC ke NPL ke..aku nak tgk feedback korang..ada berani??aku boleh tlg dapatkan spot utk jadi marshall...
anyway, sebelum korang start main ni, rule book ada baca belum??
once marshall dah buat call, thats it..either hit or tak, the call has been made..klau lawan 1-4-1..
and aku rasa korang nasib baik marshall tak strict lagi..
memang salah marshall dia tak p.check ko..
and kalau korang nak tau, aku ni player NPL..aku lagi puas hati dgn marshall mpoc(yang dulu)..jangan ingat korang akan dapat better marshalling kat npl..sebab all this guys are human..payah diorg nak jaga anak2 manja macam korang...
tapi tak dinafikan, dari segi organisation, NPL memang beat mpoc..tak kisah dari segi scheduling ke players punya kebajikan ke...that 1 i have to agree..
sekian tima kasih..

Khairul Anwar Bin Che Amran said...

tak habis2 lagi, isk isk.. -_-

aku dah kata both side kene amik ikhtibar ler, ada orang kata takde player takde pb, camtu gak reff,no reff no pb. utk anonymous jgn marah2,rilex, ni smua drama. aku tau jadi reff susah+stress+penat, ape2 pun sorry pada reff2 yg terasa n terlibat gan kejadian. orait?? kiteorang mmg noob pb, sila tunjuk ajar. btw mpoc takde buku rules banding my npl each group dpt buku rules, so pasni kiteorang khatamkan buku rules my npl dulu. ;)

aku lagi puas hati dgn marshall mpoc(yang dulu) **aku setuju yang ni**

dah2, tumpu jb plak oit, drama dh habis.

Anonymous said...

drama dh hbs??
drama je ke sblm nie...

Anonymous said...

thks for talking about t refs..its hard to ref a game that i know cuz i use to ref also n now i m a player..n like khiarul anwar ckp u like t old mpoc refs..they r now npl refs..correct me if i m wrong mr muhsin..try being a ref for a day bru bg comment right..

Anonymous said...

true to its contents ... thanx nd ...As One

Anonymous said...

after the 2nd leg, i can conclude that npl marshall is the worst after been in this sports for more than 4yrs...

Anonymous said...

JS, honestly all senior players and reffs can see your future in paintball.. u guys baru jer d4 dah berperangai sedemikian.. cube bayangkan u guys bermain di div yg lebih tinggi, lebih tense, lebih berprestij, more prize money, more "drama", more confusing, and many more aspects.. how will u guys react when something goes wrong? hmmmm...

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